
Farms Matter to Birds, People, and the Earth we all share

Farms Matter to Birds, People, and the Earth we all share

Essex County New York is in the heart of the Adirondacks and on the banks of Lake Champlain. Racey and Nathan Henderson are into their tenth year of raising, processing, and selling chicken that is Pasture Raised and Certified Organic on Reber Rock farm in Essex. Their chickens are on pasture and they have room to forage and get fresh air and fresh grass every day.

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Bill Wilson
Cheap is Dear

Cheap is Dear

A very old-fashioned saying, "Cheap is dear' means that buying the cheapest item will cost much more in the long run. This is what has happened to berries for at-home consumption over the past several years.

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Rancho Largo in Colorado - Conservation at Work

Rancho Largo in Colorado - Conservation at Work

Grady Grissom and his family operate Rancho Largo. On 14,000 acres of grassland and canyon in southeastern Colorado, they make a living and prove that it is possible to raise and market beef in a way that is additive to the environment, humane to cattle, and debunks the theory that eating beef has to contribute to climate chaos.

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Bill Wilson


Hagenbuch leads the Vermont Bird Friendly Maple program and is helping extend the program to Maine and New York.   It might be 3,950 miles from the Bird Friendly co-op family coffee farms of UCA del Rio Coco in the Northern Highlands of Nicaragua to Hi Vue Maples Bird Friendly family sugarbush in Richford, Vermont but there is a connection - birds!  The same Vermont forests that provide the maple sap to be boiled down to syrup also support great numbers of bird species during the summer nesting season. Steve Hagenbuch - farmer, forester, and founder of the Bird Friendly®...

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